Friday, August 3, 2012

"Wait" Loss for Women!

Ok I know what you guys are thinking, and yes, I meant to spell wait that way! The topic today is weight loss, but I want to talk about what many people focus on while working out, the amount of time we wait before we see results. Now I want to first say that I too have been guilty of standing in the mirror after a day of working out and saying "why am I not thin yet"? But the reality of it ladies, is it's going to take time before we see the results that we want to see. Being healthy should be your motivation and main focus and the rest will take care of itself. So here are just a few tips on how to stay focused on health and not your weight.

 Tip #1: Eat clean! What that means ladies it that you have to eat whole foods with natural fiber, vitamins, protein, etc. Fresh veggies, lean proteins and fruits and legumes are great ways to boost your metabolism and stay healthy.

 Tip #2: Eat several small meals instead of three large meals. To boost your metabolism and to prevent yourself from storing fat, eat every 2-3 hours.

 Tip #3: Exercise at least three days a week if possible. Even if you can just get in a 30minute walk a day, do something to stay active. To make working out more fun try working out with a partner or group of people. My husband is a fitness trainer and we workout together all of the time. Here is a video of us doing our couples workout! I hope you guys enjoy!

For more posts about fitness, health, natural hair or beauty view my other posts here


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    1. You're welcome and thank you so much for reading!
